
Tree large

The lovers have parked their car in a secluded but attractive spot under a towering tree. The tree serves as a kind of sentinel and landmark, the kind of tree perhaps that lovers carve their initials in. The tree is also wild and profuse, symbolic of growth and vitality.

For his “Accident” series, Robert explored the popular mythology of cars. Cars are often associated with youthful adventure, romance and sex. The bright canopy of Norway spruce contrasts with the metallic grey of the parked vehicle. Both car and tree offer privacy and shelter for this backseat encounter, though the confusing placement of hands, hair and bodies capture the awkward limitations of available space. How does the image relate to Robert’s accident theme? If the love-making leads to pregnancy and birth, then chances are that birth was unplanned. Our lives are accidents, forces of attraction meeting opportunity, leading onto unforeseeable paths.


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