Keyword: Munch

This image of three figures caught in a love triangle was inspired by Edvard Munch’s painting and lithograph, Jealousy, though Robert has changed Munch’s focus on two male rivals to a focus on two female rivals. Robert’s image is unusual and further

Expressionist Studies and Notes
Two thumbnail sketches show a woman’s face divided down the middle in Matisse-like fashion; one side is coloured red, the other blue. In the margin, Robert writes: “The moody stylish lighting suggests glamour and excitement. As well it implies a sensual feel and

Copy of Mythological Scene
As Robert searches for ideas, he copies two images from art history that demonstrate how he was equally drawn to mythology and autobiography. The top image, Mythological Scene, by Renaissance artist Piero di Cosimo, is reset in Nova Scotia with a

Sketchbook Page (study for Woman with a Suitcase)
This sketchbook page, with its multiple studies and notes, reflects Robert’s new focus on creating a series on a common theme, planning small sluices of a subject in many images rather than trying to express all his ideas in one image. The text

Empress of a New Land
Heavily influenced by Edvard Munch’s painting The Voice, 1893, Robert depicts a woman in a glade of trees by the seashore. The tree trunks look like prison bars, a labyrinth or maze. Robert removes the moon from Munch’s image and