Studies for Annunciation

Studies for Annunciation large

As Robert developed an image, he introduced variations, as in these studies for a Christmas card. Often these variations lead to new ideas or focus his thinking on what it is he’s trying to achieve. The top study shows a winged angel kneeling before a seated Madonna. The background is left bare, making the setting a bright, but indeterminate space. The bottom study copies the figures exactly, but adds a large horned bull between the supernatural messenger and the mother-to-be, foreshadowing Christ’s birth in a manger surrounded by farm animals. The large and powerful bull appears to be eavesdropping on this intimate scene and adds a touch of humour, as Robert brings together animal, human and divine qualities. Robert would reject both variations: the top drawing for being too simple and the bottom drawing for introducing an unnecessary distraction.

Studies for Annunciation

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