Study for Agriculture in Transition

Study for Agriculture in Transition large

Over six sketchbook pages, Robert developed ideas for a poster for a university conference on “the future of food production.” Here are two of those pages. Robert started with a list of possible ideas, all revolving around the concept of future or space-age. He first considered using a futuristic drawing style. This is seen in the bottom left drawing of an apple cut in two, one half shaded naturally, the other half filled with a grid pattern. Robert then considers turning a vegetable into a rocket. He draws humorous pictures of a carrot and broccoli blasting off from a launch pad, then sketches a head of broccoli soaring through space with a jet trail behind it. The last two ideas involve a crystal ball and the juxtaposition of old and new farming techniques. The finished poster combines the second and fourth ideas, though the vegetables are pictured floating in space like giant satellites with no jet trails behind them.

Study for Agriculture in Transition

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