Hospital Chapel

Hospital Chapel large

The geometry of converging lines and the contrast of darkness and light supply the atmosphere for this meditation on the role of religion in the patient’s recovery. It is one of only a handful of images that Robert created of patients in solitude. The others are: Sparrow, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Red Mitten, New Day, and Aesculapius. It’s worth noting that in most of these images, patients interact with animals or nature, or they engage with objects that remind them of the presence and importance of others in their lives. It is only the images of cancer treatments that show ordeals that patients must face on their own.

Robert often uses windows as screens revealing inner thoughts of patients; usually the thoughts involve escape or renewal. The figure depicted in the central window is Luke, author of the third gospel. Luke was a doctor, as well as a follower of Christ. He is a symbol of renewal and second chances.

Hospital Chapel

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