Keyword: mirror

Mirror Mirror
This collage painting, originally titled “Narcissism,” brings together three elements: a photo of swaggering rock stars (Mick Jagger and Keith Richards), a painting of a small old-fashioned television set and a mirror glued onto the surface of the painting. Robert’s

Rear View
Combining Robert’s interest in cars and mirrors, Rear View was a key work of his “Oppositions” exhibition at NSCAD. The opposition in this image involves the city seen at night in the rear-view mirror and the street in the day

Woman with a Mirrored Glass
Who is this a portrait of? The woman or the photographer reflected in the glass? Is it a double portrait? Robert is the blurry photographer. Heather MacKinnon is the woman holding the glass. She looks upward in a dreamy manner. The

The tightly framed mirror reflects the staring couple in reverse so that we see the backs and faces of each figure like a pair of matching shots in film. The repeating figures also suggest an argument or point-of-view that is repeated over