Balconies Cars Fences

Balconies Cars Fences large

In Robert’s photo on the left, the apartment building looks sterile and repetitive, lacking any trace of comfort or human eccentricity. The oversized American cars are a little outrageous, dinosaurs before the more compact and efficient Honda that’s wedged between them–a sign of things to come. This is an example of Robert’s documentary New Deal-style photography.

The photo on the right is more subjective as Robert returns to his fences theme. The wrought iron fence of Halifax’s Public Gardens, running along popular Spring Garden Road, is more upscale than the rundown picket fences seen in other images from this series. The fence introduces a strong diagonal line, which gives a sense of motion to the cars and creates a division between the bustle of the city and the sanctuary of the unseen park inside the fence.

Balconies Cars Fences

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